Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Crazy how quickly things happen when a decision has been made/agreed upon!

My daughter will be 4 at the end of April...after she was born, I remember telling my husband that we would have to move before we made it to baby we were in a 3-bdrm semi. Times continues to fly by, and before you know it... We are pregnant with #2. Again I say to him "We should move before he/she then we'll have no spare room, less room with 'big' kid and baby stuff...not to mention an 85-pound dog and us. And it would just suck to move with 2 kids in tow." Low and behold...Our son arrived and...we were still in the same house. C'est la vie!

Here we are...With a nearly 4-year-old, a 19-month old, 1 dog, 1 cat and 2 adults...still in the same 3-bdrm, single garage semi. For years I have wondered how the other families on our street do it...some with more people in the house! Seriously...! We have outgrown the house...again, still, even more...!

Well, a few months ago I put the bug in hubby's ear again...Time to move up and out...but this time, it's with more of a reason. Reegan can start school in the fall...She'll be my little JK'er...and I know that we FOR SURE cannot last another year plus in this house; Heck, we have lasted WAY longer than I thought we'd last. This past December marked 8 years - I definitely didn't think we'd be here for even 5 years!

But, with Reegan starting school...I want her to start school in the place where she will continue/complete her schooling. I don't want her to start JK and maybe or maybe not finish it at the same school due to us finally moving. Alas, hubby understood and agreed. (As favorable as my 'argument' was, I know it was just as much due to the most recent mortgage statement we had received - after all...He is an accountant and it is ALL about the numbers!)

So...a few weeks ago we decided it was time...Good time to start the process in time to hopefully be moved by the middle of summer. We interviewed 3 local real estate agents...liked all for different reasons, but really connected and liked the strategy of one. We 'hired' her and the hunt was on...My hours on MLS were with good reason now...not merely dreaming! Wednesday we 'hired' our agent, Friday we saw 2 properties, Saturday we saw 1 more property and 1 from the previous day again...Put an offer in on one but lost it to another offer, due to closing date. A big rush at the beginning, in the first couple days...and here we sit waiting for the right house to come on the market. Things seem to be slow right now...but hopefully once we pass March Break and with the (already here) warmer weather...hoping the houses start popping up!

Once we find that house, we'll jump on it...and once everything is finalized, we'll be selling our house. In the meantime, we have been working overtime finishing projects here and decluttering. After only 4 days of declutting and 1 floor done - We have thrown out 8 large bags and filled 12 bins to store until moving. Wow...! And with that...I am off to declutter/organize the linen closet.