Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Scrapes, bruises and bumps - Oh my!!

I know they're inevitable -- but why must injuries happen so often? And at times, close together!!! It seems when one gets injured, so does the other. Or as soon as one is going away, it's time to get another one!

Seriously!!! Reegan has injuries constantly - mainly from not paying attention to where she's going/what she's doing and not leaving the cat alone. But...honestly, these facial injuries are just too much for me! They're visible...the first thing people notice...and someone always comments - and as the mother you can't help but wonder what they're thinking...of me, of my parenting; or perhaps lack thereof!

When little ones are learning to stand/walk/take those important first steps, they're going to tumble, but why must they always land face/forehead first? Sometimes (when you're lucky!) the red mark goes away as quickly as it came and no one is ever the wiser...but then they hit something good - and BAM - red mark, for what seems like eternity.

Reegan fell into a table while we were furniture shopping when she was 11 months old...4 hours in the ER and 5 stitches later, we were home. Thankfully it was right on/in the eyebrow so the scar is pretty hidden but...it's there.

Over the last 3.5 years...my clumsy beauty has shown her rough and rugged side more times than I like.
As if the stitches weren't bad enough, we've also had 'road rash' covering her forehead/cheek/nose and chin from trying to be like the bigger kids at daycare and swinging on her tummy...didn't end pretty!

She's run into things by not watching/looking where she's going...a wall here, doorknob there... She's fallen off the sofa more times than I can count...How hard is it to just sit on a sofa/chair? A clutz, through and through.

And with the addition of Jinx (cat) last May...because she can't leave him alone, keep her face/head out of his 'bubble', and keep quiet when petting him...she's gotten a few scratches, claw marks and bites. Just in the last 3 days there was a bite on her chin and a scratch on her temple... Oy vey. I need to find a place to lock the poor cat away from taunting Reegan!

Caleb, while younger and just starting at this 'fun' injury game... is no stranger to it either. We've had countless red marks and wee bumps when falling as he was learning to walk -- no big deal, to be expected. But his worst (yet) was a couple weeks ago on Halloween night...He slipped/fell/tripped and went face first into a chair at the craft table. A bump, mini scrape and BIG shiner. UGH! It was a shiner by the end of the evening and Tuesday when he woke up he looked like a mini boxer...with a bit of a swollen eye, red scrape on the eyelid and black eye. I honestly didn't want to leave the house...! I've learned that shiners take a while to go away, and they don't look any better as they're disappearing. If anything - they look worse! It fades which is great...but the blue/green/yellow combo really isn't any better than straight black/purple. Thankfully it's gone now...hopefully we don't have one of those for a long...LONG time!

I know kids will be kids...but I can't help but want to wrap them both in bubble wrap, put on their helmets and send them out. At least then, I won't worry so much!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Little man...

Last week I introduced you to my dd...so it only makes sense that Caleb gets the nod this week ;-)

My lil guy Caleb...a very busy 14.5 month old, extremely cool dude. He entered our lives on August 20, 2010 and completed our family of 4. Hubby and I were very excited to learn that we were expecting a boy (one of each...million dollar family...etc..) but I think he breathed a HUGE sigh of relief which was greater than his excitement - knowing he would have had a battle (ME) on his hands to try 'one more time' for a boy. Everything happens for a reason...!

So, as I did the top 5 Reasons why I love Reegan, I will do the same for Caleb. However - they may not be as particular given his age! And...if this entry is cut short, it's because I can hear him babbling on the monitor as he awakes from his afternoon  nap :-)

5)  His baby blues -- Just looking at them makes me melt...super adorable. So glad they stayed blue! Whether he's getting into trouble, making you laugh or just gazing with a child's curious glance -- they're one of the first things you notice about him.

4) His golden curls -- So, unlike his sister, he was not born with a head of hair, and definitely not a dark head of hair either. However, slowly but surely, my boy now has hair...hair that blows in the wind, makes a mean 'hawk in the bath and is a beautiful shade of blonde. It has almost seemed to come in overnight...you look at him one day and he's semi bald, and the next,  he's got hair!!! Along with the hair growth, are the cute as can be curls at the back. He and his sister...my two blonde beauties - curls and all.

3) His chicklet smile -- We've currently got 7 teeth poking out, waiting for some more; but they are adorable, and he likes to show them off. He's a flirt with the ladies, old and young...So chances are, he'll give you a smile, but only after he coyly looks up at you with his chin to his chest. The smile brightens my day and perks my mood - no matter how foul.

2) His toddler wobble -- He wasn't an early walker like his sister, but now that he's fully mobile, on his own - it's hilarious! Dangerous, but hilarious! We've worked our way from coasting the furniture, to standing on our own; counting the steps  he would take without holding on...and now he's a walking machine. He's loving his mobility, but at times, his little legs just can't take him where he wants to go, fast enough. It's truly the best feeling coming home and having him walk/run towards you, with his arms up beside his head, all the while squealing.

1) His laugh -- It's not just a little boy laugh, or even a toddler laugh...When he laughs (a good laugh), it literally comes from the bottom of his belly. Caleb's belly laugh makes everyone around him laugh too; and those who are in close proximity can't help but look, listen and chuckle too. He'll giggle which is cute enough - but have his sister make faces/pretend sneeze at him, have the cat run and jump and play near him, or tickle him almost anywhere and you'll hear the funniest, yet sweetest laugh around!

And, that's my boy everyone! He's a joy to be around, even when he's misbehaving...for now anyways. Loving watching him grow...and can't believe at times that he's a toddler...he's over a year, he's not my baby anymore! So for now, I'll enjoy the little things that are still babylike, until we get to our next chapter.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My girl

As a sidenote before I start my entry: I attempted to do yesterday's entry last night, but got sidetracked watching tv...long story short - It took way too long, and whether it was my fault (for taking so long) or the sites fault...My entire post was deleted as I got an error upon posting :(  I was pissed, tired and frustrated. So I shut down and went to bed. So...sorry for not having a post yesterday, but I did try ;-)  Off to try again, here goes nothing!

Since many of you reading this do not know me in 'real' life - I figured I'd let you in on my bits of my life and myself; one post at a time. Today we'll start with my dear sweet daughter...

Reegan Madison - came into my life 3.5 years ago, gave my life new meaning (as a Mom), and changed my life forever (in a good way, of course!)

What to say about Reegan...cuz really, there's a lot to say! She has such great qualities and characteristics - I am excited to see the lady/woman she becomes. She brings laughter to everyone around her and usually has tons of hugs for everyone (that she knows). And, you can't miss her...coming or going...with her crazy, golden locks of hair - cascading in her face and past her shoulders. Rarely a day goes by that we don't get a comment on the mop!

There's many reasons why I love my girl...but I thought I'd give you my top 5!

5) Her eagerness to help
    From baking and cooking...to cleaning and folding laundry - she's always there (whether she's wanted or
    not!) Anytime Daddy has to fix something...she's gone in a flash to get her Handy Manny tools (tho now
    she prefers to use his!) and help fix. She did build her toddler bed and lay the laminate in her room.
    Baking is always a safe bet that she'll be right by your side, on a chair, wearing her apron and oven mitts.
    Although, i think she only helps bake to lick the beaters/spoons/bowls!
    She also wants to 'help' remove her brother from her stuff...Just can't get her to understand that if we
    aren't allowing her to pick up a cat, she shouldn't be attempting to lift, hold or move her brother either!

4) Her sense of pride
    For herself, for her friends, her family or even strangers! She's proud and she lets everyone around know
    it. Each craft or picture she does is hanging somewhere in our house...fridge/sliding glass door/even the
    bathroom door once or twice! When her baby brother started standing on his own she was impressed
    and now that he's taking steps...She is proud beyond words. Each time he takes steps (this is happening
    all day...he's a walker now and rarely crawls), if we're not in the room she announces it at the top of her
    lungs and as soon as he stops (by falling, reaching his destination or otherwise), she tells him how good
    he did, hugs him and says "Way to go Caley" repeatedly with a huge smile on her face.
    Even watching tv or while out in public, if she sees someone do something (anything, really) she
   announces it and says how good they did.
   There's a handful of books that she 'reads' from cover to cover...obviously it's just memorization, but
   when she reads those stories before bed...she barely gets the last word out before she's wearing a huge
   smile from ear to ear.

3) Her sense of humour
    This kid makes me laugh numerous times every day...sometimes I have to call someone just to share!
     At times I laugh b/c it's funny and other times I cringe as I laugh...should she really say that? Should I
     encourage it? She hasn't sworn yet (well, one time, repeating me [I know, head hangs in shame]).
     Recently...she's been saying "What the heck...?!" "This is stupid / I don't want this stupid thing"
     "You're crazy Caleb"
     And well, as I sit and type this - she is trying to cram herself on half of a bench, as the cat is lying on it
     and she wants to lay beside him...Can you say contortionist? I don't know how she's fitting/staying -
     but thankfully a wall is blocking her on one side and there's pillows on the floor on the other!

2) Her imagination/creativity
     Arts and crafts are a daily (sometimes hourly) occurrence in our house. We have a kids table in the
    corner of our family room, for this specific reason. Whether she's drawing, cut/pasting, painting or
    colouring...This is her place and she's got all her supplies there to go nuts. Like most kids, the drawings
     need to be labeled as a bunch of swirls and circles is actually a cat wearing a scarf and boots...DUH!
     Things are getting 'better' tho, and people now have faces (albeit unproportioned)!!!
     She loves putting on concerts...usually it's her on a stage made of foam puzzle mats, dancing and singing!
     She has never had a problem playing alone (which I am grateful for!) and it's hilarious to hear her playing
     and talking to herself/her toys. And of course, listen to a child long enough and you hear yourself... Hmm.
     This is both good and bad...   
      And the outfits she comes out with at times...We've gone out plenty of times recently with her wearing
      a dollar store tiara (Thanks Auntie Holly!), handfuls of hair clips ALL OVER her head.

1) Her smarts
     Seriously - I know she's only 3.5, and I know many parents think their kids are smart...but sometimes
      she blows me away with her phrases, words, thoughts and logic. Of course, with this comes outsmarting
      the adults around her! She has long figured out the "do 'this' or you can't have 'that'"...and has decided
      that she simply doesn't want 'that'. And she walks away, without a care; leaving me to shake my head. I
      mean, why wouldn't you eat a single, solitary broccoli tree, in order to get dessert? Really!?!?!
      And just last week we were with my mom...in conversation my mom says "Just a little bit Reegan -- A
     little goes a long way." Her retort..."Why? Does a lot go a little way?" Again...head shake.

And that is Reegan in a nutshell...at least a first installment. I'm sure you'll learn much more about her in posts to come...especially her day-to-day antics. Maybe I'll go see if she's interested in baking...


Monday, October 24, 2011

My first entry...

Well...here it is...My blog, my first entry...One day I can look back, read it and say...it all started here...or would it be, it all started then. Either way, here I am.

I've been thinking about blogging for a while...for various reasons...and have only just gotten around to doing it; again, for various reasons! I have recently been reading more and more blogs and always thought, "Hey, I can do that!". But even more so, I want to do it.

So...Let's start at the beginning. My name is Thai, I have been happily married for 5 years to my wonderful hubby Paul and we have two fantastic kids...A 3 1/2 year old daughter and a 14-month old son. And let's throw in a sometimes crazy 4 1/2 year old black lab (Remy) and an almost 1-year-old kitten (Jinx). That's my family...my reason for waking up each day, the causes of my stress at times, and the ones who bring me so much happiness.

Since this is my first time...I'm a virgin blogger...not really sure what to say/how to say it. Can't promise a lot...but hopefully you'll laugh, relate to some things, learn a thing or two and, maybe even hand over some advice at times! My hope is to share my days with anyone who is interested in reading about it. At times I wonder what else could possibly go wrong, and you (my faithful readers) will be there beside me...or when i sit and reflect on the latest 'thing' my daughter does and shake my head...you can be there for that too.

Well, this is enough for tonight. It's nearly 1130 and I'm tired. Didn't get to sleep til after 2am (mind racing with a million to-do's, crazy cat...). So, it's time for bed. Start blog - Check! First blog entry - Check!

Night everyone!